Always Looking Forward

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Always Looking Forward


In 2010 fires broke out in the name of Animal Liberation bringing businesses of animal exploitation to their knees in Utah and Colorado. What was left when the smoke cleared were communiques from the self-proclaimed A.L.F Lone Wolf. After his capture the world wanted to know more behind the pseudonym. Walter Bond is the A.L.F Lone Wolf. In this collaboration of his original work, Walter captivates his audience and answers their questions with the raw truth. With stories and articles from behind bars, this book outlines what motivates true animal liberation and what inspired Walter to take action as the Animal Liberation Front.

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SKU: 33821 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: The ALF lone wolf
Author: Bond, Walter
Year: 2011
ISBN: 9780983054740
Pages: 180
Language: English
Publisher: Naalpo
Publisher's city:
Publication date:
This book is out of print
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