An Anarchist FAQ, Volume 1

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An Anarchist FAQ, Volume 1


This exhaustive volume, the first of two, seeks to provide answers for the curious and critical about anarchist theory, history, and practice. More a reference volume than a primer, An Anarchist FAQ eschews curt answers and engages with questions in a thorough, matter-of-fact style. Having been an internet staple for over a decade, we are proud to offer this solicitously edited print version. AFAQ’s oversized and affordable format (topping out at over 700 pages) will ensure it a place on every shelf, where it will be referenced again and again.

SKU: 23293 Category: Tag:
Author: McKay, Iain
Year: 2009
ISBN: 9781902593906
Pages: 555
Language: English
Publisher: AK Press
Publisher's city: Edinburgh
Publication date:
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