Antifascistas: British & Irish Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

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Antifascistas: British & Irish Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War


This illustrated book tells the story of British and Irish volunteers who joined the International Brigades, travelling from Britain to spain to become soldiers and medical professionals in the Spanish Civil War. More than 2500 British and Irish volunteers took the extraordinary decision to risk their lives in this war in Spain, and more than 500 of them died. The book looks at the volunteers’ role in the key battles in Spain, including the heroic work of the medical volunteers and the impact that British and Irish support had in this, the first conflict of the long European struggle between fascism and democracy in the 1930s and 1940s. Drawing on and containing photographs and images from the period, Antifascistas documents the artistic and historical legacy of the International Brigades, and demonstrates the idealism, commitment and sacrifice of these exceptional men and women.

SKU: 29657 Category: Tag:
Author: Baxell, Richard & Angela Jackson & Jim Jump
Year: 2010
ISBN: 9781907103179
Pages: 124
Language: English
Publisher: Lawrence & Wishart
Publisher's city: London
Publication date:
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