Babylon and beyond

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Babylon and beyond


Provides a clear and accessible guide to the economics of anti-capitalism. Anti-capitalism is a diverse movement: critics accuse it of knowing what it is against, but not knowing what it is for. Anti-capitalists want radical change, but what shape should that change take? The truth is that different sections of the movement advocate distinct – and sometimes contradictory – programmes for change. This book concentrates on perhaps the most divisive issue of all in the anti-capitalist struggle: how to transform the economy. There are greens who think we must hold back economic growth and Marxists who believe the economy must move forward along capitalist lines before there can be revolutionary change; there are those who remain faithful to notions of collective or state ownership of all aspects of the economy, and those who think various kinds of reform or regulation of capitalist practice is more appropriate. “Babylon and Beyond” is a modern guidebook to the complicated terrain of alternatives to global capitalism.

SKU: 20817 Category: Tags: ,
Subtitle: The economics of anti-capitalist, anti-globalist and radical green movements
Author: Wall, Derek
Year: 2005
ISBN: 0745323901
Pages: 220
Language: English
Publisher: Pluto Press
Publisher's city: London
Publication date:
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