Class, crisis and the state

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Class, crisis and the state


One of the major works of the new American Marxism, Wright’s book draws a challenging new class map of the United States and other, comparable, advanced capitalist countries today. It also discusses the various classical theories of economic crisis in the West and their relevance to the current recession, and contrasts the way in which the major political problem of bureaucracy was confronted by two great antagonists—Weber and Lenin. A concluding essay brings together the practical lessons of these theoretical analyses, in an examination of the problems of left governments coming to power in capitalist states.

SKU: 43334 Category: Tags: ,
Subtitle: Updated second edition
Author: Wright, Erik Olin
Year: 2025
ISBN: 9781804290477
Pages: 272
Language: English
Publisher: Verso
Publisher's city: London
Publication date: 2025-01-15
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