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Dancin’ In The Streets! (hc)
While square critics derided them as “the left wing of the Beat Generation,” the multi-racial, working-class editorial groups of The Rebel Worker and its sister journal Heatwave in London became well known for their highly original revolutionary perspective, innovative social/cultural criticism, and uninhibited class-war humor. Rejecting traditional left dogma, and proudly affirming the influence of Bugs Bunny and the Incredible Hulk, these playful rebels against work expanded the critique of Capital into a critique of daily life and developed a truly radical theory and practice, rooted in poetry, provocation, blues, jazz, and the pleasure principle. Active in strikes, free-speech fights, and other tumults, they also introduced countless readers to important writings by and about surrealists, Situationists, IWWs, anarchists, libertarian Marxists, Provos, the Japanese Zengakuren, and other political/cultural revolutionary-minded individuals and movements from all over the world. This lavish tome provides dozens of selections from all the editions of both journals, with a wealth of related documents, communiques and articles, a bibliography, and detailed introductions by the original editors. What a book! What other work could Murray Bookchin, Sam Dolgoff, and Guy Debord all agree was worthwhile and revolutionary!
Author: Rosemont, Franklin & Charles Radcliffe (red.) Year: 2005 ISBN: 0882863029 Pages: 447 Language: English Publisher: Charles H. Kerr Publishing Compagny Publisher's city: Chicago Publication date: