Daybreak in Gaza

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Daybreak in Gaza


This is Gaza – a place of humanity and creativity, rich in culture and industry. A place now utterly devastated, its entire population displaced by a seemingly endless onslaught, its heritage destroyed. Daybreak in Gaza is a record of an extraordinary place and people, and of a culture preserved by the people themselves. Vignettes of artists, acrobats, doctors, students, shopkeepers and teachers offer stories of love, life, loss and survival. They display the wealth of Gaza’s cultural landscape and the breadth of its history. Daybreak in Gaza humanises the people dismissed as statistics. It stands as a mark of resistance to the destruction and as a testament to the people of Gaza.

Availability: 2 in stock

Subtitle: Stories of Palestinian Lives and Culture
Author: Muna, Mahmoud & Matthew Teller (red.)
Year: 2024
ISBN: 9781849250696
Pages: 336
Language: English
Publisher: Saqi
Publisher's city: London
Publication date:
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