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The radical feminist practice of the Italian art historian, art critic, poet, and feminist Carla Lonzi (1931–1982) and its potential relationship to both historical and contemporary art practices offers the contextual framework for the publication Deculturalize. Lonzi’s recurring demand for deculturizzazione, echoed in the book’s title, is based on her proclamation that women’s inclusion in society must be understood as a constant colonization. Their ensuing “impotence, lack of history, lack of culture” and “insignificance” can thus only be abolished through the establishment of an “unexpected” (female) subjectivation. Rather than continuing to be the object of historical-social power dynamics, women must become the subject of their own life practices through their continuous withdrawal from (patriarchal) norms.

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SKU: 43399 Category: Tags: ,
Author: Lafer, Ilse
Year: 2021
ISBN: 9788867494286
Pages: 356
Language: English
Publisher: Mousse Publishing
Publisher's city: Milano
Publication date:
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