Disabled Upon Arrival

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Disabled Upon Arrival


In North America, immigration has never been about immigration. That was true in the early twentieth century when anti-immigrant rhetoric led to draconian crackdowns on the movement of bodies, and it is true today as new measures seek to construct migrants as dangerous and undesirable. This premise forms the crux of Jay Timothy Dolmage’s new book Disabled Upon Arrival: Eugenics, Immigration, and the Construction of Race and Disability, a compelling examination of the spaces, technologies, and discourses of immigration restriction during the peak period of North American immigration in the early twentieth century.

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SKU: 43729 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: Eugenics, Immigration, and the Construction of Race and Disability
Author: Dolmage, Jay Timothy
Year: 2018
ISBN: 9780814254677
Pages: 190
Language: English
Publisher: Ohio University Press
Publisher's city: Athens
Publication date:
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