Ecofeminism 2nd edition

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Ecofeminism 2nd edition


A powerful searing indictment of development strategies practised by the North on the South. In this hugely influential book, two of Zed’s best-known authors – one an economist, the other a physicist and philosopher – come together on a controversial environmental agenda to argue that ecological destruction constitutes a direct threat to the reproduction of everyday life, which historically has been the responsibility of women. Ecofeminism critiques prevailing economic theories, conventional concepts of women’s emancipation, the myth of ‘catching up’ development, the philosophical foundations of modern science, and the omission of ethics when discussing topics such as reproductive technology and biotechnology. From this critique, the authors then argue for subsistence production, regeneration, reciprocity, and the acceptance of limits, so that we may finally put an end to violence and the endless exploitation of need.

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SKU: 26716 Category: Tags: , , ,
Author: Mies, M. & Shiva, V.
Year: 2022
ISBN: 9781350379886
Pages: 328
Language: English
Publisher: Zed Books
Publisher's city: London
Publication date:
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