Etnofoor volume 32 issue 2 Sex

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Etnofoor volume 32 issue 2 Sex


Let’s (not) Talk about Sex
Tessa Diphoorn and Erella Grassiani
Researching in Silence
Attention and Ethical Issues in Sexual Encounters in a Public Toilet
Maycon Lopes

‘Sex is like a brick wall’
Sex as an Ethical Affordance within the Moderate Conservatism of Russian Baptists
Igor Mikeshin

Migrant Women of a Certain Age
Midlife Searches for Self, Love, and Sex among Romanian Women in Rome
Dumitriţa Luncă

She Pricked Thee
Hijras Fucking Men in Rural India
Vaibhav Saria

Camp at the Salon
Anthropological Sense-Making with a Wink
Max Schnepf

Between Vice and Virtue
Sex Work, Stigma, and Transactional Relationships in Phnom Penh’s Hostess Bar Scene
Maxime van Boven and Michiel Verver

Book review

Kenyan, Christian, Queer Religion, LGBT Activism, and Arts of Resistance in Africa (2019) by Adriaan van Klinken
Review by: Lieke L. Schrijvers
In conversation: Futures

Analytics for the Future
Felix Ringel

Availability: 1 in stock

SKU: 43276 Category: Tags: ,
Author: #
Year: 2020
Pages: 121
Language: English
Publisher: Etnofoor
Publisher's city: Amsterdam
Publication date:
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