How to Stay Smart in a Smart World

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How to Stay Smart in a Smart World


Machines powered by artificial intelligence are good at some things (playing chess), but not others (life-and-death decisions, or anything involving uncertainty). Gigerenzer explains why algorithms often fail at finding us romantic partners (love is not chess), why self-driving cars fall prey to the Russian Tank Fallacy, and how judges and police rely increasingly on nontransparent “black box” algorithms to predict whether a criminal defendant will reoffend or show up in court. He invokes Black Mirror, considers the privacy paradox (people want privacy but give their data away), and explains that social media get us hooked by programming intermittent reinforcement in the form of the “like” button

SKU: 43294 Category: Tags: ,
Subtitle: Why Human Intelligence Still Beats Algorithms
Author: Gigerenzer, Gerd
Year: 2022
ISBN: 9780141995045
Pages: 224
Language: English
Publisher: Penguin Books
Publisher's city: New York/London
Publication date:
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