Indigenous Peoples in Isolation in the Peruvian Amazon

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Indigenous Peoples in Isolation in the Peruvian Amazon


This important book provides an objective yet human vision of the current situation of isolated indigenous groups in Peru. Drawing on extensive fieldwork, and interviews with people living in neighbouring areas she presents solid evidence of their existence, their geographic areas of migration, their cultural and linguistic diversity and their considerable numbers. She reviews bibliographic sources, compiling into just one book the relevant observations and details that are to be found scattered throughout historic documents, scientific publications and obscure or unpublished sources. Included are for example, field reports and personal observations of a number of specialists and the internal documents of the National Indian Foundation of Brazil, an organisation working on the same issue across the border, a border unknown to the indigenous groups. This book offers us historic and anthropological perspectives from which to understand the fragility of the isolated indigenous groups in the face of contact with wider society. It enables us to gain an appreciation of the importance, in terms of cultural and biological diversity, of safeguarding their territories, for both their future and that of the human race. Drawing on the scientific and legal foundations of international agreements, and working primarily from a human rights perspective, Beatriz presents solid arguments concerning the urgent need for national and international efforts to defend the territories, cultural integrity and life of the indigenous peoples in isolation. She proposes strategic alliances between local communities, indigenous federations, the Peruvian government and international players in order to put a halt to the current mahogany boom in Madre de Dios, which is destroying the last strongholds of fine woods and the last refuges of the isolated indigenous in Peru, and indeed the world.

SKU: 20225 Category: Tags: ,
Author: Huertas Castillo, Beatriz
Year: 2005
ISBN: 8790730771
Pages: 247
Language: English
Publisher: IGWIA
Publisher's city: Kopenhagen
Publication date:
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