Knowledge Beside Itself

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Knowledge Beside Itself


Discussing the practice of artists such as Christine Borland, Tony Chakar, Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Adelita Husni-Bey, Jakob Jakobsen, Claire Pentecost, and Pilvi Takala, writer and curator Tom Holert submits the gambit of conceptualizing contemporary art as an agent of epistemic politics to a genealogical analysis of its political-economic underpinnings in these times of cognitive capitalism, machine learning, and a renewed urgency of epistemological disobedience. Considered as a specific, expansive mode of the culture industry, contemporary art is viewed here as a strategic bet on the social distinctions and value extractions made possible by claiming a different, novel access to “knowledge.”

SKU: 43397 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: Contemporary Art’s Epistemic Politics
Author: Holert, Tom
Year: 2020
ISBN: 9783943365979
Pages: 278
Language: English
Publisher: Sternberg Press
Publisher's city: Berlin
Publication date:
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