More Than Two

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More Than Two


From partners, authors and practicing polyamorists Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert comes the long-awaited, wide-ranging resource exploring the often-complex world of living polyamorously. Highlighting the nuances (no, this isn’t swinging), the relationship options (do you suit a V, an N, an open network?), the myths (don’t count on wild orgies and endless sex—but don’t rule them out, either!) and the expectations (communication, transparency and trust are paramount), the authors share not only their hard-won philosophies about polyamory, but also their hurts and embarrassments. ‘More Than Two’ is entirely without judgment and peppered with a good dose of humour. Franklin and Eve underscore the importance of engaging in ethical polyamory, while gently guiding readers through the thorny issues of jealousy and insecurity.”

Availability: 2 in stock

SKU: 29439 Category: Tags: ,
Subtitle: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory
Author: Veaux, Franklin & Eve Rickert
Year: 2014
ISBN: 9780991399703
Pages: 480
Language: English
Publisher: Thorntree Press
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Publication date:
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