On Tropical Grounds

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On Tropical Grounds


‘On Tropical Grounds’ develops a new approach to the avant-garde and Surrealism in Caribbean and Atlantic studies. The book examines how islands and their tropical associations figure in the cultural and political imaginaries of the Caribbean and the Atlantic and identifies genealogies of local responses to continental fantasies of exotic insularity. Examining written and visual works that reflect on the Hispanic and Francophone Caribbean and the Canary Islands, as well as critical debates around discourses of insularity in island and metropolitan spaces, the book considers notions of ethnic purity, originality, imitation, appropriation, cosmopolitanism, and self-exoticism to challenge the idea that avant-garde practices were pre-eminently urban and metropolitan cultural forms. The book argues that attention to the relational dimension implicit in exchanges around ideas of anti-colonial struggle, radical social transformation, and anti-fascist resistance should inform analyses of cultural production in Caribbean and Atlantic insular spaces. ‘On Tropical Grounds’ develops a persuasive critical model for the investigation of politically and aesthetically situated archipelagic relations that transgresses disciplinary boundaries and reconfigures our conception of the avant-garde as a global movement that was overdetermined by racial, gender, and colonial conflicts.

SKU: 43103 Category: Tags: ,
Subtitle: Avant-Garde and Surrealism in the Insular Atlantic
Author: Hernandez Adrian, Francisco J.
Year: 2024
ISBN: 9781509561674
Pages: 314
Language: English
Publisher: Polity Press
Publisher's city: Cambridge
Publication date: 2024-10-23
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