Patriarchy and Gender in Africa

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Patriarchy and Gender in Africa


This timely and expansive multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary collection dissects precolonial, colonial, and post-independence issues of male dominance, power, and control over the female body in the legal, socio-cultural, and political contexts in Africa. Contributors focus on the historical, theoretical, and empirical narratives of intersecting perspectives of gender and patriarchy in at least ten countries across the major sub-regions of the African continent. In these well-researched chapters, authors provide a deeper understanding of patriarchy and gender inequality in identifying misogyny, resisting male supremacy, reforming discriminatory laws, embracing human-centered public policies, expanding academic scholarship on the continent, and more.

SKU: 43250 Category: Tags: , , ,
Author: Athabasca, Veronica (red.)
Year: 2023
ISBN: 9781793638588
Pages: 248
Language: English
Publisher: Lexington Books
Publisher's city: Lanham
Publication date: 2023-03-15
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