Race and American Political Development

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Race and American Political Development


Race has been present at every critical moment in American political development, shaping political institutions, political discourse, public policy, and its denizens’ political identities. But because of the nature of race—its evolving and dynamic status as a structure of inequality, a political organizing principle, an ideology, and a system of power—we must study the politics of race historically, institutionally, and discursively. Covering more than three hundred years of American political history from the founding to the contemporary moment, the contributors in this volume make this extended argument. Together, they provide an understanding of American politics that challenges our conventional disciplinary tools of studying politics and our conservative political moment’s dominant narrative of racial progress. This volume, the first to collect essays on the role of race in American political history and development, resituates race in American politics as an issue for sustained and broadened critical attention.

SKU: 23472 Category: Tag:
Author: Lowndes J., J. Novkov, D T. Warren
Year: 2008
ISBN: 9780415961530
Pages: 368
Language: English
Publisher: Routledge
Publisher's city: London
Publication date:
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