Summer on Fire: A Detroit Novel

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Summer on Fire: A Detroit Novel

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The temperature is scorching in Detroit during the summer of 1967 and so is everything happening in this fictionalized memoir by a staff member of the long-running Fifth Estate magazine. The characters are thrust into tumultuous episodes of the 1967 Detroit Rebellion, anti-war demonstrations, fighting fascists, rock and roll at the Grande Ballroom, drugs, anarchism, the White Panther Party, Wilhelm Reich, and a bomb plot that provide “a people’s history and radical folklore of Detroit.” The setting is seven weeks in a critical year that demands ethical choices by all involved, ones which mirror today’s crises.

Author: Werbe, Peter
Year: 2022
ISBN: 9781948501118
Pages: 262
Language: English
Publisher: Black & Red
Publisher's city: Detroit, MI
Publication date:
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