The Party is always right

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The Party is always right


Love it or hate it, it’s hard to deny that British Trotskyism created some fascinating stories. Finding themselves increasingly irrelevant in modern politics, these political sects often became twisted aberrations of Comrade Trotsky’s ideals. Gerry Healy’s Workers Revolutionary Party was no exception. This new biography tells the story of Healy’s life, picking apart fact from fiction, to reveal a man rotten to the core with authoritarian tendencies. Saturating the party with his personality, Healy took advantage of his comrades’ trust and revolutionary zeal, eventually forcing a split in 1985. This is a tragic story in the history of Communism, wracked with accounts of abuse, collaboration with the state and vicious infighting. It also reveals the dangers of male-dominated political movements, secular cults, and celebrity culture, and is an important reminder of what can happen when a working-class movement is betrayed from within.

Subtitle: The Untold Story of Gerry Healy and British Trotskyism
Author: Beatty, Aidan
Year: 2024
ISBN: 9780745348728
Pages: 192
Language: English
Publisher: Pluto Press
Publisher's city: London
Publication date: 2024-09-18
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