The Pocket Guide to Feminism

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The Pocket Guide to Feminism


A woman’s life is different. This is clear when a stranger’s catcall makes her feel targeted in the street. When politicians make off-the-cuff sexist remarks. When media commentators wade in with their condemnation of free, unrestricted abortion. When a father is praised to the skies for attending parents’ evening while the mother’s attendance is taken for granted. When they fire her because she’s pregnant. When they dismiss her medical symptoms as anxiety. To counter sexism today, we need to learn the art of self-defence. Today feminism is more alive and more necessary than ever because discrimination against women has become more subtle and difficult to detect, yet it retains its paralysing power. With combative energy and acerbic wit, Bel Olid explains the key concepts of the current feminist struggle in a smart, radical and often counterintuitive way.

SKU: 43101 Category: Tags: , ,
Subtitle: A Survival Kit
Author: Olid, Bel
Year: 2024
ISBN: 9781509564736
Pages: 120
Language: English
Publisher: Polity Press
Publisher's city: Cambridge
Publication date: 2024-09-21
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