The Shining Path in Huancavelica, Peru

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The Shining Path in Huancavelica, Peru


Taking a long view of history, this work explores the colonial roots, modern context, trajectory and complex legacy of the maoist guerrilla movement Shining Path and its insurgency in the region of Huancavelica, Peru. The use of terroristic violence to implement a revolutionary and exclusivist ideology was without precedent in Latin America, presaging later movements such as ISIS. Integrating interviews, testimonials, survey data and the vast primary and secondary literature on the insurgency, this work examines how Huancavelican communities experienced and continue to shoulder the consequences of an exterminatory conflict thirty years after the insurgency was largely, although not entirely, defeated.

Subtitle: Conflict and the legacy of exclusion
Author: Robins, Nicholas A.
Year: 2024
ISBN: 9789004688223
Pages: 228
Language: English
Publisher: Brill
Publisher's city: Bedfordshire
Publication date: 2024-02-21
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