The state of native America

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The state of native America


Een verzameling artikelen over de inheemse bevolking van Noord-Amerika (ook wel Indianen genoemd_. Over verdragen, wetgeving, onderwijs, feminisme, reservaten en de strijd voor erkenning en zelfbeschikking. “They didn’t bring the fish here, and yet they say, ‘We give you the right to fish here’- ‘We give you’. They came to this country looking for freedom of speech and to worship the way they wanted to. But when they got here they forgot when it came to the Indian”.

SKU: 14387 Category: Tags: , ,
Subtitle: Genocide, colonization and resistance
Author: James, M. Annette (ed.)
Year: 1992
ISBN: 0-89608-424-8
Pages: 460
Publisher: South End Press
Publisher's city: Boston
Publication date:
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