A people’s history of the American Revolution

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A people’s history of the American Revolution


Most history of the American Revolution focuses on “the founding fathers” and particular events. Ray Raphael’s book, the first in a Howard Zinn series, gives credit to everyday people and seldom told events. Adams, Jefferson, Washington et al would have hardly been able to found a country without the massive support of the anonymus masses. Most impressive about Rapahel’s book is that he allows the facts to do the talking. Many authors argue a case but hardly bother to back it up, not Raphael. Equally important, the book is a good read. Some history books with a series of stories become tedious, but Raphel’s writing is crisp as he weaves incidents together. The book also exposes the violent, viscious nature of people, with tarring and feathering and other public humiliations regularly doled out to citizens out of favor in their community. We are reminded that while the common folks were heroes of the Revolution, they were hardly saints in the way they carried out retribution and their perception of justice. But the primary contribution of the book is to give a fuller more honest view of the American Revolution, how it could happen and who deserves credit, besides those familiar figures so prominent in American text books.

SKU: 17609 Category: Tags: ,
Author: Raphael, Ray
Year: 2001
ISBN: 1-56584-653-2
Pages: 385
Language: English
Publisher: New Press
Publisher's city: New York
Publication date:
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