Anti-racist ally

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Anti-racist ally


Do you want to be an anti-racist ally? This punchy, pocket-sized guide shows you how, whether you’re using your voice for the first time, or are looking for ways to keep the momentum and make long lasting change. Sophie Williams’ no-holds-barred posts about racism and Black Lives Matter on @officialmillennialblack have taken the online world by storm. Sharp, simple and insightful, they get to the heart of anti-racist principles and show us all how to truly be better allies. Now, in her iconic Instagram style, this pocket-sized primer unpacks complex topics into their most important concepts, and provides a crucial starting block for every anti-racist ally.

Availability: 6 in stock

SKU: 36651 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: An Introduction to Action and Activism
Author: Williams, Sophie
Year: 2020
ISBN: 9780007985128
Pages: 176
Language: English
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publisher's city: New York
Publication date:
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