Bring on the apocalyse

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Bring on the apocalyse


This incendiary collection of essays about money, religion, war, power, culture and nature adds up to a striking wake-up call about the world’s need for social justice, and is now available in paperback. In these incendiary essays, George Monbiot tears apart the fictions of religious conservatives, the claims of those who deny global warming and the lies of the governments and newspapers that led us into war. He takes no prisoners, exposing government corruption in devastating detail while clashing with people as diverse as Bob Geldof, Ann Widdecombe and David Bellamy.But alongside his investigative journalism, Monbiot’s book contains some remarkable essays about what it means to be human. Monbiot explores the politics behind Constable’s “The Cornfield” that shows how driving cars has changed the way we think and argues that eternal death is a happier prospect than eternal life.

SKU: 23215 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: 6 Arguments for global justice
Author: Monbiot, George
Year: 2009
ISBN: 9781843548584
Pages: 256
Language: English
Publisher: Atlantic Books
Publisher's city: Tunbridge Wells
Publication date:
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