Citizen Moore

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Citizen Moore


Michael Moore: author, film director, political activist, lambaster of American household names and political establishments. Whether you like him or loathe him, his satirical and persistent style has opened up the world of political journalism to a new audience. His fearless assaults on formidable targets like General Motors, the National Rifle Association and George W. Bush’s White House have made Michael Moore a celebrity in his own right * fawned over by movie stars such as Leonardo Di Caprio; publicly accused of making ‘crockumentaries’, with Moorewatch, a website dedicated to disproving everything he says. Based on interviews with more than 200 insiders – friends, bosses, employees, producers, agents, managers, editors, actors and nuns – `Citizen Moore’ traces the untold story of the 30 years of struggles and failures that led to the “overnight” success of this political celebrity.

SKU: 22246 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: The Making of an American Iconoclast
Author: Rapoport, Roger
Year: 2007
ISBN: 9780413776495
Pages: 312
Language: English
Publisher: Methuen
Publisher's city:
Publication date:
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