Commoning with George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici

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Commoning with George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici


This collection explores key themes in the contemporary critique of political economy, in honour of the work and practice of Silvia Federici and George Caffentzis – two of the most significant contemporary theorists of capitalism and anti-capitalism, whose contributions span half a century of struggle, crisis and debate. Drawing together a collection of essays that assess Federici and Caffentzis’s contributions, offering critical and comradely reflections and commentary that build on their scholarship, this volume acts as a guide to their work, while also taking us beyond it. The book is organised around five key themes: revolutionary histories, reproduction, money and value, commons, and struggles. Ultimately, the book shines light on the continuing relevance of Caffentzis and Federici’s work in the twenty-first century for understanding anti-capitalism, ‘primitive accumulation’ and the commons, feminism, reproductive labour and Marx’s value theory.

SKU: 34084 Category: Tags: ,
Author: Barbagallo, Camille, Nicholas Beuret & David Harrie (red.)
Year: 2019
ISBN: 9780745339405
Pages: 304
Language: English
Publisher: Pluto Press
Publisher's city: London
Publication date:
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