Ojibwa Warrior

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Ojibwa Warrior


Dennis Banks, an American Indian of the Ojibwa Tribe and a founder of the American Indian Movement, is probably the most influential Indian leader of our time. In `Ojibwa Warrior’, written with acclaimed writer and photographer Richard Erdoes, Banks tells his own story for the first time and also traces the rise of the American Indian Movement (AIM). The authors present an insider’s understanding of AIM protest events–the Trail of Broken Treaties march to Washington, D.C.; the resulting takeover of the BIA building; the riot at Custer, South Dakota; and the 1973 standoff at Wounded Knee when Lakota Indians and AIM activists from all over the country protested bloodshed and corruption at the Pine Ridge Lakota reservation. Through AIM, Banks confronted racism with activism rooted in Native religion and culture. This account is enhanced by dramatic photographs, most taken by Richard Erdoes, of key people and events from the narrative.

SKU: 19584 Category: Tags: ,
Subtitle: Dennis Banks and the rise of the American Indian Movement
Author: Banks, Dennis & Richard Erdoes
Year: 2004
ISBN: 080613691X
Pages: 352
Language: English
Publisher: University of Oklahoma Press
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