Our enemies in blue

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Our enemies in blue


More than just a chronology of the history of police brutality in the United States, `Our Enemies in Blue’ is a scholarly work that studies the reality of sanctioned violence against certain segments of society and the ways in which police use brutality to preserve existing structures of inequality. The simplistic myth of police officer as hero is prevalent in our society, and often obscures the facts, and silences those who would question police actions. The author believes the American public deserves a well-researched counter argument that confronts the realities of policing in modern society. `Our Enemies in Blue’ examines the strong-arming, racial profiling, and other objectionable tactics used by the police on an everyday basis and provides an intelligent, in-depth critique of police brutality in all its forms.

SKU: 31061 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: Police and power in America
Author: Williams, Kristian
Year: 2015
ISBN: 9781849352154
Pages: 346
Language: English
Publisher: Soft Skull Press
Publisher's city: New York
Publication date:
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