Professionals of Hope

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Professionals of Hope


This is an anthology by the prolific and brilliant former spokesperson and strategist for the Zapatistas, who countered the Mexican government’s bloody attacks on indigenous people by staging an uprising in the name of “democracy, justice, and liberty” for all. And by “all,” Marcos really means everyone, including identities that resist ready-made categories. These poetic letters, speeches, and folktales counter oppression by challenging governments that plunder their own people, and declare the basic desire to bestow dignity upon the indigenous people of Chiapas through grass-roots revolution. By no means exhaustive, this book is meant to introduce readers to a sliver of Marcos’s output and provide context for a struggle that still exists in Mexico, and whose existence is mirrored wherever tyranny flourishes.

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SKU: 32469 Category: Tags: ,
Author: Marcos, Subcomandante
Year: 2017
ISBN: 9780996778657
Pages: 257
Language: English
Publisher: The Song Cave
Publisher's city: Brooklyn
Publication date:
This book is out of print
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