Radicals in the Barrio

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Radicals in the Barrio


A ground-breaking history of the radical political movements that developed within the Mexican and Chicano working-class in the United States. Radicals in the Barrio uncovers a long and rich history of political radicalism within the Mexican and Chicano working class in the United States. Chacón clearly and sympathetically documents the ways that migratory workers carried with them radical political ideologies, new organizational models, and shared class experience, as they crossed the border into southwestern barrios during the first three decades of the twentieth-century.

SKU: 31622 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: Magonistas, Socialists, Wobblies, and Communists in the Mexican-American Working Class
Author: Chacon, Justin Akers
Year: 2017
ISBN: 9781608467754
Pages: 500
Language: English
Publisher: Haymarket Books
Publisher's city: Chicago
Publication date:
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