The Bases of empire

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The Bases of empire


This book examines U.S. military bases across the globe including those in Latin America, Europe, and Asia. It documents the massive political, economic, and environmental impacts that these outposts have and studies the movements and campaigns against them. U.S. military bases form a huge global system but are poorly understood by those not directly involved in their operation. The Pentagon is currently relocating many bases to fit with the strategies of preemption and resource control, which has intensified existing conflicts between the military and local people. The authors of this volume show how these seemingly local disputes are crucial to the success and failure of the American imperial project, and attempt to bring together the geographically scattered opposition movements to form a coherent campaign against the harmful effects of bases.

SKU: 23114 Category: Tags: ,
Subtitle: The global struggle against US military posts
Author: Lutz, Catherine A.
Year: 2008
ISBN: 9780745328324
Pages: 280
Language: English
Publisher: Pluto Press
Publisher's city: London
Publication date:
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