The Life and Times of Gerald de Cruz

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The Life and Times of Gerald de Cruz


Gerald de Cruz’s life overlapped many of the spheres of Singapore’s history after World War II. As a Eurasian, a nationalist, a communist and then a democratic socialist, as a journalist and a writer, he represents the insurgent energies of a truculent time when a nascent nation was seeking the basis of statehood. His commitment to progressive ideas and movements reveals a man of integrity in search of himself in a better world. This book seeks to portray his place in time, particularly for younger Singaporeans who did not live in an era that has inaugurated the history of independent Singapore.

SKU: 33645 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: A Singaporean of Many Worlds
Author: Latif, Asad-ul Iqbal
Year: 2015
ISBN: 9789814620680
Pages: 224
Language: English
Publisher: ISEAS
Publisher's city:
Publication date:
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