This Fire Never Dies

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This Fire Never Dies


Fréderike Geerdink’s ‘This Fire Never Dies’ is a gripping account of her year spent with the Kurdish political and guerrilla group, the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party). She goes into the PKK camps, meeting the fighters and talking to their leaders about their ambitions and their political view. Few journalists have taken the time not only to document the PKK’s views but to also try and understand the commitment and the fragility of the PKK fighters, and the views and habits of the ordinary villagers whose land remains a war zone between the Turkish state and the Kurdish fighters. Fréderike Geerdink is a Dutch journalist who started reporting from Istanbul, Turkey, in 2006. From 2012 to 2015, she was the only foreign journalist based in Diyarbakir, Turkey. She was arrested twice, in January and September 2015, before being deported from Turkey. Her previous book, The Boys are Dead: The Roboski Massacre and the Kurdish Question in Turkey (2015) was nominated for the Brusse Prize. The nomination stated, ‘Fréderike Geerdink is one of those courageous Dutch journalists who do their work in dangerous conflict zones. Her book became a both political and beautiful personal account of the struggle for self determination in Turkish Kurdistan.’ For more on the author, see

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SKU: 42840 Category: Tags: ,
Subtitle: One Year With the PKK
Author: Geerdink, Fréderike
Year: 2021
ISBN: 9788195031047
Pages: 289
Language: English
Publisher: Leftword Books
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Publication date:
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