What is Anarchist Music?

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What is Anarchist Music?


“Culture is a necessary element of any social movement, and should be taken with utmost seriousness by anarchist activists – and this includes music. This book lays out an evaluative approach through which the relationships between anarchism and music, and culture more widely, can be explored. This is not a list of musics that somehow qualify as ‘anarchist’, but rather considers how it might be possible to think about the question: ‘What is Anarchist Music?’ “ A6 pocket book.

Availability: 2 in stock

SKU: 36304 Category: Tag:
Author: Noys, Ruud
Year: 2020
ISBN: 9781909798793
Pages: 52
Language: English
Publisher: Active Publishing
Publisher's city: Krnjak / Karlovac
Publication date:
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