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Arab Spring, Libyan Winter


The Arab Spring captivated the planet. The revolutionary wave spread to the far corners of the Arab world, from Morocco to Bahrain. It seemed as if all the authoritarian states would finally be freed, even those of the Arabian Peninsula. People’s power had produced this wave, and continued to ride it out. In Libya, though, the new world order had different ideas. This brief, timely analysis situates the assault on Libya in the context of the winds of revolt that swept through the Middle East in the Spring of 2011. Vijay Prashad explores the recent history of the Qaddafi regime, the social forces who opposed him, and the role of the United Nations, NATO, and the rest of the world’s superpowers in the bloody civil war that ensued.

Artikelnummer: 25369 Categorie: Tags: , ,
Auteur: Prashad, Vijay
Jaar: 2012
ISBN: 9781849351126
Pagina's: 168
Taal: English
Uitgever: AK Press
Uitgever stad: Edinburgh
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