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Gypsy Economy


Economic arrangements of Romanies are complexly related to their social position. The authors of this volume explore these complexities, including how economic exchanges forge key social relationships of gender and ethnicity, how economic opportunities are constructed and seized, and how economic success and failure are transformed into attributes of social persons. They explore how, despite — or perhaps because of — their unstable and ambiguous position within the market economy, shared today with a growing number of people facing precarity and informalisation, Roma and Gypsy communities continuously re-create more or less viable economic strategies. The ethnographically based chapters share accounts of socially and economically vulnerable populations that face their situation with self-determination and creativity.

Artikelnummer: 30197 Categorie: Tag:
Subtitel: Romani Livelihoods and Notions of Worth in the 21st Century
Auteur: Brazzabeni, Micol & Manuela Ivone Cunha & Martin Fotta
Jaar: 2015
ISBN: 9781782388791
Pagina's: 272
Taal: English
Uitgever: Berghahn Books
Uitgever stad: Oxford
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