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Leader Symbols and Personality Cult in North Korea


The legitimacy of the North Korean state is based solely on the leaders’ personal legitimacy, and is maintained by the indoctrination of people with leader symbols and the enactment of leadership cults in daily life. It can thus be dubbed a “leader state”. The frequency of leader symbols and the richness and scale of leader-symbol-making in North Korea are simply unrivalled. Furthermore, the personality cults of North Korean leaders are central to people’s daily activity, critically affecting their minds and emotions. Both leader symbols and cult activities are profoundly entrenched in the institutions and daily life, and if separated and cancelled, the North Korean state would be transformed.

Artikelnummer: 34106 Categorie: Tag:
Subtitel: The Leader State
Auteur: Lim, Jae-Cheon
Jaar: 2017
ISBN: 9781138295377
Pagina's: 140
Taal: English
Uitgever: Routledge
Uitgever stad: London
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