Ages of woman, ages of man

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Ages of woman, ages of man


The collection is organized around two main principles, stages of life and gender, and is divided into eight chapters: childhood, youth and sexuality, courtship and weddings, married life, economic life, networks and communities, and widowhood and old age. The sources address the numerous and varied ways in which women and men’s notions of themselves affected their lives, and explore how accepted norms of masculine and feminine behaviour influenced social, economic, and religious change. Guided by a general editors’ introduction and then an introduction to each chapter, the user will find this an invaluable reference companion to early modern gender history.

SKU: 27798 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: Sources in European social history, 1400-1750
Author: Chojnacka, Monica & Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks
Year: 2002
ISBN: 9780582418738
Pages: 294
Language: English
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publisher's city: Basingstoke
Publication date:
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