Anarchism and ecology

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Anarchism and ecology


When the first coloured pictures of Earth from space were broadcast, humanity was, for the most part, profoundly moved. Many people, perhaps for the first time in all of human history, realized the truly global nature of human existence.
We began to see that we were stranded, like explorers on a spaceship, in a vast universe unknown and unexplored, in which there is no certainty of encountering any other form of intelligent life or of finding another planet on which our species could conveniently live, yet we continue to respond to our environment as though it was dispensable. This book outlines the history of our slow alienation from environment, and proposes some visionary and yet practical solutions to the global ecological crisis. When the first coloured pictures of Earth from space were broadcast, humanity was, for the most part, profoundly moved. Many people, perhaps for the first time in all of human history, realized the truly global nature of human existence. We began to see that we were stranded, like explorers on a spaceship, in a vast universe unknown and unexplored, in which there is no certainty of encountering any other form of intelligent life or of finding another planet on which our species could conveniently live, yet we continue to respond to our environment as though it was dispensable. This book outlines the history of our slow alienation from environment, and proposes some visionary and yet practical solutions to the global ecological crisis.

SKU: 18826 Category: Tags: ,
Author: Purchase, Graham
Year: 1997
ISBN: 9781551640266
Pages: 171
Language: English
Publisher: Black Rose Books
Publisher's city: Montréal
Publication date:
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