Birth of a Revolutionary Movement in Yugoslavia

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Birth of a Revolutionary Movement in Yugoslavia


‘In Yugoslavia, where “workers’ self-management” has become the official ideology, a new struggle for popular control has exposed the gap between the official ideology and the social relations which it claims to describe. The heretics who exposed this gap have been temporarily isolated; their struggle has been momentarily suppressed.’ ‘In June 1968, the gap between theory and practice, between official proclamations and social relations, was exposed through practice, through social activity: students began to organize themselves in demonstrations and general assemblies, and the regime which proclaims self management reacted to this rare example f popular self-organization by putting an end to it through police and press repression.’

SKU: 27117 Category: Tag:
Author: Perlman, Fredy
Year: 2014
ISBN: Zonder
Language: English
Publisher: Sto Citas
Publisher's city: Zagreb
Publication date:
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