Breaking the Waves: Challenging the Liberal Tendency within Anarchist Feminism

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Breaking the Waves: Challenging the Liberal Tendency within Anarchist Feminism


In order to respond to the political crises of our day, anarchist feminism must be able to communicate with knowledge and conviction. Those of us who wish to develop this political tendency must locate ourselves within history and build upon the lessons of the past. We must develop new theories and test them in struggle. We must build mass movements and advocate for anarchism from within them. We must make demands, and, in the words of Italian anarchist Errico Malatesta, “take or win all possible reforms with the same spirit that one tears occupied territory from the enemy’s grasp in order to go on advancing.” Finally, we must orient ourselves internationally and engage in solidarity with our global comrades. Through these practices, anarchist feminism can become a specific political force capable of confronting the formidable challenges set before us by capitalism and the state.

Availability: 30 in stock

SKU: 33716 Category: Tags: ,
Author: Akemi, Romina & Bree Busk
Year: 2018
ISBN: Zonder
Pages: 22
Language: English
Publisher: Black Rose anarchist federation
Publisher's city:
Publication date:
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