Exhibiting the Past

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Exhibiting the Past


During the Mao era, China’s museums served an explicit and uniform propaganda function, underlining official Party history, eulogizing revolutionary heroes, and contributing to nation building and socialist construction. With the implementation of the post-Mao modernization program in the late 1970s and 1980s and the advent of globalization and market reforms in the 1990s, China underwent a radical social and economic transformation that has led to a vastly more heterogeneous culture and polity. Yet China is dominated by a single Leninist party that continues to rely heavily on its revolutionary heritage to generate political legitimacy. With its messages of collectivism, self-sacrifice, and class struggle, that heritage is increasingly at odds with Chinese society and with the state’s own neoliberal ideology of rapid-paced development, glorification of the market, and entrepreneurship. In this ambiguous political environment, museums and their curators must negotiate between revolutionary ideology and new kinds of historical narratives that reflect and highlight a neoliberal present.

SKU: 27923 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: Historical Memory and the Politics of Museums in Postsocialist China
Author: Denton, Kirk A.
Year: 2013
ISBN: 9780824836870
Pages: 72.45
Language: English
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press
Publisher's city:
Publication date:
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