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Mexico Unconquered
Mexico Unconquered is an evocative report on the epic powers of violence and corruption in Mexico and the underdogs and rebels who put their lives on the line to build justice from the ground up. Author John Gibler probes the overwhelming divisions in contemporary Mexico, home to the world’s richest man, Carlos Slim, and to destitute millions. The book explores the concept of the Rule of Law in a land known for its implacable corruption and impunity; the political machinations behind Mexico’s devastating economic disparities; the implications and consequences of the annual exodus of half a million Mexicans to the United States; the unprecedented civil disobedience uprising in Oaxaca state; and the continuing Indigenous Present that resists the government’s attempts to confine Mexico’s 10 million indigenous peoples to calm and controlled corners of the past.
Author: Gibler, John Year: 2009 ISBN: 9780872864931 Pages: 260 Language: English Publisher: City Lights Books Publisher's city: San Francisco Publication date: