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Panegyric Volume One and Two (hardcover)
All my life I have seen only troubled times, extreme divisions in society, and immense destruction; I have joined in these troubles. Such circumstances would no doubt suffice to prevent the most transparent of my acts or thoughts from being universally approved. But, I do believe, several of them could have been misunderstood Guy Debord, as founding and pivotal figure of the Situationist International, pursued one of the 20th century’s most arch and exciting assaults on modern life. His 1967 `Society of the Spectacle’ (followed, twenty years later, by `Comments on the Society of the Spectacle’) was a fierce critique of late-capitalist culture and became the signal text for those involved in the political events of May 1968 and beyond. `Panegyric’ is Debord’s audacious autobiography. Guy Debord was born in 1931 in Paris. He committed suicide in 1994.
Author: Debord, Guy Year: 2004 ISBN: 9781859846650 Pages: 192 Language: English Publisher: Verso Publisher's city: London Publication date: