Tales from the Clit

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Tales from the Clit


Think women don’t like porn? You’ll think again, after reading this collection of revealing essays by feminists who want to have their smut and consume it, too. No dry theory here, just first-person accounts detailing a range of experiences, such as how pornography enhanced one disabled woman’s life, why it led another to start her own sex toy shop, and yet another to edit a sex magazine that would land her in jail. Though the writers come from a range of cultural and sexual backgrounds, they share one thing in common: an appreciation for sexually explicit materials.

SKU: 17632 Category: Tags: ,
Subtitle: A female experience of Pornography
Author: Matrix, Cherie (ed.)
Year: 1996
ISBN: 1873176090
Pages: 144
Language: English
Publisher: AK Press
Publisher's city: Edinburgh
Publication date:
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