Uncommon Sense

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Uncommon Sense


`Uncommon Sense’ will rock the boat for some, and launch it for others as it applies the sound and simple principles of chaos theory to the workings of our society. It dramatically shows just why it is that so many of us have so little faith in the confidence tricks of the ruling state. `Uncommon Sense’ shows us the real price we pay for maintaining rulers in power, and how powerful we actually are as society. Real order is drawn from society’s own unplanned chaos not by trying to manage it with a big stick. Imagine if the British government had thought music as important as the food we eat. `Uncommon Sense’ reachees the parts of your brain the state would like undisturbed. For Gregory Sams, author of `Uncommon Sense’, the issue is not who is in power, how they got there, what they want to do or why. It is not a question of whether politicians are corrupt or not or whether they meditate. It does now matter whether the structure of the state is old and decayed or fresh and vigorous. At issue is whether or not the underlying principles of the state, however and by whomever it is run, can ever bring us peace and harmony. Force is a poor means of promoting positive change. We can survive without this growing menace to our species. `Uncommon Sense’ takes a fresh look at the validity and virtue of this seldon considered option. This thought provoking and humorous work dares to question the validity and value of today’s nation state, whether democratic or totalitarian, First World or Third. Though it may not be obvious that more regulation creates more disorder, the evidence points this way, and the discoveries of new science “Chaos Theory” appear to prove it. Complex societies have far more aptitude to manage themselves than do force a pre-conceived order upon them. `Uncommon Sense’ points out just how well this process is working already.

SKU: 20997 Category: Tag:
Subtitle: The State is Out of Date
Author: Sams, Gregory K.
Year: 2005
ISBN: 095313010X
Pages: 192
Language: English
Publisher: Chaos Works
Publisher's city: London
Publication date:
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