Who Is Big Brother?

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Who Is Big Brother?


An intellectual who hated intellectuals, a socialist who didn’t trust the state—our foremost political essayist and author of ‘Animal Farm’ and ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ was a man of stark, puzzling contradictions. Knowing Orwell’s life and reading Orwell’s works produces just as many questions as it answers. Celebrated Orwell biographer D. J. Taylor guides fans and new readers alike through the many twists and turns of Orwell’s books, life and thought. As a writer he intended his works to be transparent and instantly accessible, yet they are also full of secrets and surprises, tantalising private histories, and psychological quirks. From his conflicted relationship with religion to his competing anti-imperialism and fascination with empire, ‘Who Is Big Brother?’ delves into the complex development of this essential yet enigmatic voice. Taylor leads us through Orwell’s principal writings and complex life—crafting an illuminating guide to one of the most enduringly relevant writers in the English language.

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Subtitle: A Reader's Guide to George Orwell
Author: Taylor, D.J.
Year: 2024
ISBN: 9780300272987
Pages: 224
Language: English
Publisher: Yale University Press
Publisher's city: New Haven/London
Publication date: 2024-03-15
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