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Datacide eighteen


contents of issue eighteen
Nemeton: Political News
Christoph Fringeli: Revolution and Counterrevolution in Germany 1919
Ross Wolfe: Marxism Contra Justice – A Critique of Egalitarian Ideology
Joke Lanz: Ghosts & Handbags
A short Travel Report from the Japanese Underworld
Matthew Hyland: Masterless Mouths
Howard Slater: Spikes in Tongues – On Clozapine – Glossary
Dan Hekate: Escape to Continue
Frankenstein, or the 8-Bit Prometheus
Micro-literature, hyper-mashup, Sonic Belligeranza records
17th anniversary by Riccardo Balli
Neil Transpontine:
A Fascist Tulpa in the White House?
Right-wing ‘Meme Magic’ and the Rise of Trump
Dale Street: Lions Led by Jackals – Stalinism in the International Brigades
review by Christoph Fringeli
No borders, no fatherland! France – What’s New for the Left?
review by Christoph Fringeli
Record Reviews by Low Entropy, Saxenhammer, Controlled Weirdness, Prole Sector, Christoph Fringeli
Activities Since the Last Issue
The Lives and Times of Bloor Schleppy
DJ Charts
Overdosed by sansculotte
Graphics by Darkam, dybbuk, Howard Slater, Joke Lanz, lesekill

Beschikbaarheid: 1 op voorraad

Artikelnummer: 43303 Categorie: Tags: , ,
Subtitel: magazine for noise & politics
Auteur: #
Jaar: 2020
ISBN: 9783948332181
Pagina's: 66
Taal: English
Uitgever: Datacide magazine
Uitgever stad:
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